Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last Wednesday, I was hit with some kind of bug that still has not left me alone. I ran on Tuesday after class and it was terrible. I took yesterday off and spent the day with my bf and I want to go today but I am still not feeling it. I am going to go to kickboxing tonight and lift weights before hand so that might be a good thing. I don't know if I am going to be able to make it to my race now due to my illness. I want to still try because I only have 11 days left of training and 16 days until the race. I think I might be able to pull it off but who knows! Guess we will see how tonight goes and then go from there!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh hot damn!

After what I thought was allergies, I am not settling in to believe that I am actually sick with the common cold. I have not been sick in years and now I finally got sick. The good thing is that the only area that is effected is my head but my body is not sore (at least not yet). I took some good ol nasty nyquil last night and got a good nights rest.
In addition, I ran my 20 mins yesterday! It was a little difficult to do because I was chugging along not running very fast and it was a little painful. I want to go run today but we will see how I feel after class. I have to present a project today and I am so not looking forward to it. I was put into a group with three people that do nothing but slack! It is so annoying! Well off I go to start the day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This weekend

I have not wrote in a couple days and figured its probably time. On Wednesday night, I woke up with an extremely bad sore throat and thought it was because I was sleeping with my mouth open. But it was not that reason more like ALLERGIES! I have never ever really suffered from allergies until this week. I don't get why or how it happened but I am in a lot of pain. I took some of Chad's nasal spray but I don't think that helped much. My face is kind of puffy and my whole sinus is miserable. I hate this! I think I will go to the doctors on Monday to see what they say. :(

I cleaned my closet out today and filled 5 trash bags full of stuff to donate. I think that as we move each time I obtain less and less stuff. I came across a pair of pants from high school/the time I moved out; I actually fit in them! I am very happy about that because that means that I am actually loosing weight! I meant to weight myself last week but some how forgot. Tuesday will be my weight in day and I am hoping for some positive results.

I ran everyday last week including Sunday except for Today (Saturday), Friday I took a weight lifting class and a semi boot camp class with my friend Amy. She made us run up the stairs at the parking garage it was a killer. I hate it with everything that I had. But it gave me some cardio that I was looking for. I am taking today off and am suppose to run with Chad tomorrow. We are going to go jog the GOTR park which will be a lot of fun! I am really excited!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Well what a day!!! I ended up finishing week 4 of C25K and I am SO happy! My other friend that is doing this app and I have been talking about how we are having pain in our legs. I thought that it would have been the opposite that I would have had a hard time breathing but nope my legs. Kerri another friend of mine suggested that I take longer strides on the treadmill and that totally helped. So not only was I able to run at a faster speed but my legs did not get as tired as fast. I think that I need to start running outside because I am kind of getting bored with running in the clubhouse. Or I need to get a new play list to workout to because my music is kind of boring me.

On week 5 day 3, I am suppose to jog for 20 mins straight! I am really nervous for this and think that I am going to hold off and do it on Saturday. Go to campus and run around like a mad woman in the early morning. I am getting excited about the GOTR and am really hoping that with the hard work and effort that I have been putting out that I will be able to do the June 5th race.

How could I forget to talk about this one issue in my blog: MY WEIGHT!
On Thursday I will step on the scale and see if any improvements have been made. I don't feel like there has been a lot of weight loss just more so on muscle gained. My cavs are getting huge so huge that I cannot fit in Capri pants! But hopefully I have lost some fat off my body! Lets just start praying. Although I have not changed my diet, I have realized that if I run at night I am not hungry at night and if I run in the morning I am not hungry. The other thing is that I am so not interested in sweets many of you know I LOVE CANDY! But ever since this past week candy has not interested me. On Monday, I walked past a bowl full of peanut M&M's and today I bought candy at Freddies but no interest...its weird. Well off to make the bed then a bath to soak my legs :) Good night world!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Manic Monday

Its 7:43 AM and I am waiting for the club house to open at 8..there is always this man that runs right when the clubhouse opens and I am hoping that because I live closer I can get there faster. After running yesterday, I had no pain! I am so happy that shoes fixed my issue! A garden was planted for me yesterday by my boyfriend and that was a nice treat. Well I am off to stake the clubhouse and hopefully wont die running today!!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weekend update

I spent Friday and Saturday with my mom and it was amazing. I cannot begin to tell you what an amazing mother that I have. Once I graduate from college, I cannot wait to be closer to her so that we can spend more time together. My mom was kind enough to take me shoe shopping and I got two pairs of New Balance shoes. One for running and the other for casual wear.
I went for a run today and it made the world's difference to have good shoes! I love them soooo much! 5 minutes was a lot harder to run than 3 minutes!

Friday, May 7, 2010


My friend Katie wanted me to join her at Dixon today but I thought that I needed a break. My legs were killing me then I popped some ibuprofen and poof the pain went away. The last day of week 3 was a bit of a struggle for me...Not sure why that is but probably because I was a little tired or something. With 29 days left until Girls on The Run and 18 days left of training, I am getting a little bit nervous about not being able to run the race. Seems as though I am pushing it a little close but I guess my body will tell me when the race gets closer. I think that one of my many issues is that I do not have the proper shoes. I did buy running shoes but I think the fact that they are worn out and probably not in new condition is the issue that I am having shin splints. Seeing that I am doing everything that I can to treat them with medicine, stretching, elevation, and icing it is still not helping. Shoes seem to be the last thing on my list and seeing that I am going to be running outside for the race I should have the proper shoes.

Off to Eugene for the day with my Mom!